
Contest Results: Letter & Numbers

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Ended 10/13/14 8:15 PM GMT
Winner: bfrank (See the full results)

1st place
Love Never Fails by bfrank

danika: Congratulations on your 1st place, Frank. I knew it was a winner.

zunazet: Now That's a Winner! Well done.

trixxie17: This is a terrific entry Frank!!

mesmerized: Creative, clever...well spotted and presented...super entry, of luck.

bfrank received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
W is for Why by mirto56

Jimbobedsel: Totally awesome shot, Doug. Could be a winner in the contest.

tigger3: Doug, I don't know if it could get any better than this image. First of all W for why is well documented in this capture. It is a very dramatic image, and a excellent entry for the contest, and a meaningful tribute to those who lost their lives on 9/11. It's been a few years but I have stayed in DC some years ago, and this all looks so familiar to me, except for the monument of course. Bravo! and I'm glad you made it home safely, this is a fave for me. =^..^=tigs♥

mirto56 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
AXL by Ramad

casechaser: I think your three illustrations leave us with your "point" of view. They are a cut above the rest of the entrees. Sharp and keenly posed. Good luck, Raj, in the contest.

0930_23: Congrats on finishing 3rd in the contest Raj.
Ingenious entry.

4th place
Letter from Paris by Heroictitof

tigger3: Beautifully done! Congrats on this excellent post.

icedancer: Oh wow, what a spectacular shot and brings back wonderful memories for me the many times we've been there, I just love Paris

Flmngseabass: Spectacular!!!!!!!!!! Superb image with a beautiful lighting and the ultra "soft" water adds a dimension of surrealism!!! Bravo on this gorgeous image:)

5th place
Succomb by 0930_23

Starglow: Might have caught you a nice big fish, to bad you didn't get to it sooner. Good contest contender though.

mirto56: "S" is for a sad ending for this worm's life. Another good entry for the contest, TicK. Now I'm not only looking around for letters on the horizon, but I am checking where I tread as well.