
Contest Results: Black & White/Mono

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 11/16/15 7:15 PM GMT
Winner: nanadoo (See the full results)

1st place
Bobby being Bobby.... by nanadoo

Flmngseabass: WOW!!! Rita, this is amazing!!!!!!!!!! So in your face and beautiful!!!! Outstanding clarity and almost 3-D like. Faved!!!

Flmngseabass: I just bet you knew you would win!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Rita on this most deserving honor!!!!!!!!!!

nanadoo received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Shadows in the Louvre by gr8fulted

Nikoneer: Two for the price of one! The subtle shadows of what I assume is the pyramid (which means this is a late afternoon photo, since the pyramid is west of the museum) have a completely different character than the shadows and lines of the museum interior, allowing each to stand out from the other. I'm usually a judge and, after seeing the entries so far, I feel this one should place fairly high. Beautiful in black & white, so much more expressive than if it was in color. Great job and good luck with it.


gr8fulted received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
This Old Barn by jerseygurl

Ramad: Very nice shot of he barn with all the trees in the background. Nice lighting and shadows here too. This will make a very good entry for the contest Laura.

GomekFlorida: Good job with the contest Laura!

Gergie: Loving the black and white here. That old Barn has stood the test of time.

4th place
Marital Contemplation by corngrowth

mirto56: As small as the couple appear in your frame, they draw the attention. Very well done and those reflections are mirror-like. Best of luck in the contest and the BWC, Cornelius.

Starglow: This worked up well and will be a great contender for either contest.

5th place
THE WRECK by nuke88

icedancer: Marvelous painting, like the dramatic shades & tones. Would be a fabulous challenge entry. You are such an amazing artist

rotcivski: Eugene your B and W is excellent. Is it one of your color painting sir? It does look great in B and W. Very well created.
