
Homepage for .Caleb9849


Real Name:
The middle of Nowhere 
1992 (33 years) 
07/07/04 12:02 AM GMT03/27/07 3:53 AM GMT 

Recent Works by Caleb9849: (full gallery)

Lamp unto my path by Caleb9849, Contests->In Print gallery Golden is not your enemy II by Caleb9849, Photography->Sunset/Rise gallery The Caedes Nebula by Caleb9849, Contests->Caedes Theme gallery
Lamp unto my path Golden is not your enemy II The Caedes Nebula


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07/14/04 2:58 AM GMT
welcome to caedes
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Ange "Out of the flames..from the ash..I will arise...Phoenix"
07/19/04 1:45 AM GMT
Hi Caleb. Thanks for commenting on Nocturnal. It is made with a program called Chaos and then a lot of work in PSP.
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Cheers. It's kileychristine!
08/03/04 12:13 AM GMT
Thank you for the comment on "Blue Mist Ravines":-)
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08/24/04 3:07 AM GMT
Hi Caleb. Thanks for such kind words on “Little Ruby Throated Hummingbird”. I’ve been photographing them for about 4 years now and only caught that Ruby Throat “flash” once. That image didn’t come out too good, I had just set up and the image was over exposed. Darn!!!!
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08/26/04 6:30 PM GMT
Thanks for your input on "Grizzly" Caleb.
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Art washes away from the soul the dust of life....Picasso
08/26/04 6:31 PM GMT
Gracias por el comentario en "Palacio"
Thank you for the commentary in "Palacio"
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Saludos Regards From Spain
08/30/04 6:44 PM GMT
So glad you liked “Natures' Masterpiece” and thanks for your comments. They really are appreciated.
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09/12/04 4:49 AM GMT
Hi Caleb. I am deeply honored by your comments on "Top Heavy". I hope I can continue to live up to your praise.
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09/12/04 7:16 AM GMT
Caleb this is getting to be quite an interesting page. I REALLY want to thank you for your overwhelming support. I'm glad you liked "I Can't See Clearly Now".
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09/12/04 5:48 PM GMT
hurray for pillar
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09/21/04 6:05 AM GMT
thanks a lot for the comment and vote on "heavenly descent" caleb.. much appreciated
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keepin' it real
09/21/04 6:31 AM GMT
Thank you for 'Declining sun', Caleb. Glad you like it :-)
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"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" (I. Asimov)
09/21/04 6:31 AM GMT
Thank you for the nice comment on -Lechtal tyrol-.Very much appreciated,Caleb.
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Carpe diem.
09/22/04 9:02 PM GMT
I like pretty much eveything on their new CD. It's a very good CD. Fireproof and echilon were probably the best from the fireproof cd. I haven't really listened to that one or any older ones that much though.
0∈ [?]
09/23/04 11:18 AM GMT
Hello Caleb, thanks for your wonderful comments about "Macquarie Sunset" They are much appreciated.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
09/29/04 7:08 AM GMT
Hey Caleb, thanks for see and vote on «set the sun».
Very much appreciate.
0∈ [?]
Look around and catch it ; the Art is there !
09/29/04 10:02 AM GMT
Thank you Caleb for those nice comments about "Ripples" The next challenge should be a shot of him in the air :-)
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
10/01/04 3:15 AM GMT
Thank you for the comment on "Trail Lamps", Caleb:-)
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10/01/04 5:35 AM GMT
Hello Caleb, thanks for the comments on "Smokey Mountain Dreamscape". Glad you liked it.

The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that
the taxidermist leaves the skin. -- Mark Twain
0∈ [?]
10/17/04 1:13 AM GMT
Btw, Pillar is sooooo awesome. Further is my fav song. Just wanted to let you know.:)
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Ange "This above all: To thy own self be true."
04/18/05 7:02 PM GMT
Thanks for your comment on Meliflous Gold. I really appreciated it!
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04/18/05 9:12 PM GMT
Thanks Caleb for you kind post on Carnage 4: Overkill. glad you liked it

cheers - Phil
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"

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