Thanks so much for you wonderful comments and the fave on Lily's Heart Owd Timer. Instead of taking a pill, I drank a double shot of Scotch. Same difference.
Thank you, Bob, for the fave of "Shy Beauty Nature Repeats Itself". It is not often that I post camera snaps because of physical limitations at this time. I am so glad you enjoyed this simple backyard snap. I appreciate it.
Thanks Owd Timer for faving In Memoriam. It is so sad all of the recent losses and I just read that Cat's mother died earlier this year. (See Bulletin Board)
Thanks for faving The Bulldozer Owd Timer. Too bad my grandson doesn't get to play this week. I will still go and take photo's since I have all year. Hope you and your family are staying well.
Again I thank you for faving one of my photo's Bipartisan Pumpkins Owd Timer. Another one of my Grandson's has tested positive for the virus. Take care.
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