
Homepage for .El_Padrino


Real Name:
Alexander Alvarez Taylor
Manchester UK 
1991 (33 years) 
05/15/03 6:40 PM GMT06/05/06 7:14 PM GMT 

Recent Works by El_Padrino: (full gallery)

Apocalyse Now ! by El_Padrino, illustrations->digital gallery Paint test by El_Padrino, photography->manipulation gallery Welcome to the Tower by El_Padrino, photography->castles/ruins gallery
Apocalyse Now ! Paint test Welcome to the Tower


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12/08/03 11:26 AM GMT
thanks for all your nice comments Alex^^. I really appreciate them^^
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12/08/03 5:02 PM GMT
yep no problem cain, only here 2 help =)
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12/08/03 6:49 PM GMT
Very cool Icon
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On the road of life there are passengers, drivers, and roadkill.
12/08/03 8:56 PM GMT
Thanx Iggidy 07, btw it's my website logo
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12/24/03 2:45 PM GMT
It's was me a very pleasure,keep up the good work.Merry Christmas Alex.
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Merry Christmas to All.
01/02/04 4:52 PM GMT
Thanks for your great comments Alex:-)
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Happy Holidays To All
01/31/04 7:16 PM GMT
Thank you very much for the nice comment on(winte in Coloma park 1) Alex.
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carpe diem.
01/31/04 7:31 PM GMT
Thanks very much for all the support on my work,Alex.
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carpe diem.
02/28/04 5:36 PM GMT
You like the movie "Blow" ?
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- |\/|c]{inleySh -
03/06/04 5:39 PM GMT
Hola Alexander.
Que bueno el ver un comentario en español!! Ya que descubri esta web por casualidad y la verdad megusta pero mi problema es que no controlo apenas el ingles.
Cuando he visto tu apellido Alvarez me he preguntado si hablarias español y ya veo que así es.
He visto tus fondos y la verdad es que son muy buenos
Yo ahora estoy empezando con el Photoshop y la verda que me esta enganchando....
Bueno me gustaria que me dijeses si hay algun tipo de correo interno en esta web para poder enviarte la direccion de una alguna web española muy parecida a esta para que puedas subir allí tambien tus fondos
Un saludo desde España
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03/12/04 9:14 AM GMT
mckinley why do you ask completely random questions?
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03/15/04 6:02 PM GMT
Gracis por tu mensaje :)

que viva España y que viva Inglaterra !!!
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ARISTIDES ALEMAN Ars longa . vita Brevis
03/15/04 7:34 PM GMT
muchas gracias aristides, jeje
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03/30/04 11:57 AM GMT
Thanks for all your comments on my works! As for your comment on "Temple", yes I agree I should do more. You wanna sponsor me & pay for the flights?? (pretty please!) :-)
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-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
03/30/04 4:06 PM GMT
Thank you for the comment on "High Tide", Alex:-)
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03/30/04 7:21 PM GMT
Thanks a lot for your nice comments on my site designs CaedesN3 and CaedesN1 Alexander ;)
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-Happiness is a behaviour.Sadness too.Make your mind- Cem Karahan
09/20/04 2:09 PM GMT
Hi there Alex, thanks for the comment on Pink Dream. I can't find the page you are comparing it to, perhaps you could take a screen grab for me to have a look at? I came up with the design myself, but it's possibel two people came up with something similar seperately. Or maybe I have seen something of twelve tens and not realised. Could you email me at:

0∈ [?]
endofreason My God, it's full of stars

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