
Homepage for .Ryan_W

Real Name:
Victoria B.C. Canada 
1985 (40 years) 
10/02/04 4:01 AM GMT12/04/05 11:37 PM GMT 

Recent Works by Ryan_W: (full gallery)

Me at work! by Ryan_W, photography->people gallery
Me at work!


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10/30/04 2:41 PM GMT
Welcome to caedes. I'm sure you'll enjoy it just like the rest of us.
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~You can't make footprints in the sand of time if you are sitting on your butt, and who wants to make buttprints in the sands of time?
11/01/04 6:57 AM GMT
Ryan - thanks for your post on 'Looking onto Sea Point & Robben Island' - much appreciated!
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...Recent work .......<-☺.|.☻->
11/02/04 6:07 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment on "Winds of Change" for me it has many different meanings and represents so many things that have gone on in my life. I'm glad that you liked it and thanks again for your comments. Much appreciated ^_^
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11/04/04 4:56 AM GMT
Hotboxing?? Wow now thats an honest interpretation if I've ever heard one!! Thanks for the great comment. Oh and thanks for the comments on "tea for two" and "into the limelight" much appreciated, glad you like them!!

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11/24/04 6:11 PM GMT
Hello Ryan^^. Thanks for your comment on "Black Wood", "Savage Garden and "Conversation II".

To answer your first question I use a sony cybershot 3.2 (not the best camera) but you still can do nice shots with it.

At first there was no big contrast nor light effect on the picture. I used photoshop to have this particular ambiance : I changed the contrast, darkened the grass, and added a strange light on the wood at the end.

at first it was a nice but common shot, with a global lighting and a weak contrast.

changing colors are rather easy to do with photoshop. it's a great program with a lot of useful tools, one of them is called ' color gradation layer' and it helps a lot when you want to play with colors (reduce or changing them altogether) and create a new ambiance.

...and for your last question^^, I live a bit under the very middle of the country, near a town called 'Dinant'. (not very far away from ppigeon^^)
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12/15/04 10:56 AM GMT
Hi Ryan. Thanks for the kind words on 'Alps of 'Haute Provence' (France)'. France is one of the most beautiful country. Agree with you :-)
Hehe! I'm living in Belgium (just north of France) :-)
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12/15/04 10:59 AM GMT
About 'Skimming in the desert': In 2003, I used a (argentic) Nikon F70 + a (numeric) HP715. This photo was scanned. That's why it's so grainy :-/
Now, I own a Minolta Dimage A1. Excellent quality and very light for trekkings... :-)
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01/10/05 1:02 AM GMT
Thanks Ryan for the comment on "Excuse Me!". I shot this one on a farm by Nanoose.
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01/10/05 4:11 AM GMT
Thank you so much for your comment "My lovely dog".
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"A meditação acalma o espírito e anima a alma"
01/10/05 4:12 AM GMT
Thank you again for your nice comment on "Sand".
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"A meditação acalma o espírito e anima a alma"
01/12/05 4:44 PM GMT
HI Ryan, thankyou so much for your kind comments about my black and white work! I really appreciate it. I was getting a bit dishearted cos people seem to prefer colour images but you words made me feel so much better. I glad i now know someone else who appreciates such an artistic but under used medium!
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"We may not get what we want, but sometimes, if we try, we get what we need." Rolling Stones
01/28/05 9:18 AM GMT
Hello Ryan. Thanks for the kind words on 'Finally! Good weather'. Glad you enjoyed it :-)
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02/13/05 9:09 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on "Shadow, Light, and Sky" I'd never thought about it that way...
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"Morals, like clothes, change with the fashions, or, perhaps the fashions change to adorn the morals." Florence Reed
02/24/05 1:21 AM GMT
Hi Ryan, thanks very much for your comment on Fashion Statements. The generational differences are what this photo is all about!
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02/26/05 8:07 PM GMT
Hey, thanks for the comment on "Nonchalant" and I wish everyone looked into it as much as you did. Pictures can be more that pleasing to the eye and I'm happy you took notice.
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