
Homepage for ::Vickid


Caedes Cadre
Real Name:
Vicki Drakopoulou
too many
Creds [?]:
Lagonissi, Greece 
24 Apr 1948 (76 years) 
11/12/12 12:33 AM GMT03/31/25 6:35 AM GMT 

Vickid's Journal (6 entries)

Taken at 4 PM Uploaded: 06/08/20 12:14 AM GMT

Image: Taken at 4 PM

OK, so was taking a photo of these roses in our home at 4 p.m., the sun was shining through a window. They are from our garden. And then, later took a photo again ... you will see in next image that I post... Thanks a bunch for viewing and commenting, really appreciate it.

Recent Works by Vickid: (full gallery)

Just a Wooden Hammer by Vickid, photography->general gallery Nature is a gift for all by Vickid, photography->flowers gallery The Feet by Vickid, photography->general gallery
Just a Wooden Hammer Nature is a gift for all The Feet


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03/31/19 2:47 PM GMT
Thanks so much for the fave on Open Range, Vicki. I am pleased that you liked it.
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People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
04/15/19 11:41 PM GMT
Thanks vickid for commenting on 'jet aim e'
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04/18/19 6:45 AM GMT
Congrats, Vicki. Well deserved, my friend.
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05/01/19 8:58 PM GMT
Thanks , Vicki for commenting on my Pelican in flight picture. They migrate through here twice a year
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05/03/19 2:05 PM GMT
Thanks for commenting on my picture Coming Down. Using a DSLR I find easy its trying to shoot a picture with my I-Phone I find confusing.
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05/04/19 3:14 PM GMT
For Leaving the Scene I obviously got to close for this narrow minded Heron and thanks for commenting.
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05/09/19 2:26 PM GMT
Thanks for taking a look at Caught One. This Heron did not seem to be bothered by my presence
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05/10/19 12:50 AM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "Life In The Clouds", Vicki. I appreciate it.
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When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
05/11/19 3:25 PM GMT
Hey Vicki
I often compare my photography to fishing but with a camera not a pole. I have about a half a dozen spots less than 30 minutes from the house that most of my pictures come from. I have learned over time depending on season, weather and rain fall when certain spots are going to be more active. As for the Osprey I was shooting gulls fishing that day and just happened to look up and saw the Osprey. Luckily I had the right camera setup and fired a quick burst. Air Delivery was one of the pictures from that burst.
0∈ [?]
05/11/19 3:45 PM GMT
Well Vicki Sushi Snack is proof the best camera is the one you have. I was shooting Dragon Flies and didn�t have the right camera or setup for this shot.
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05/24/19 9:06 PM GMT
Thanks for viewing and commenting on the picture Eye To Eye. These little flies typically land on the ugliest reed in the pond so finding 2 on a water lily was worth a shot.
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05/31/19 4:02 AM GMT
Thanks for the comments on my picture Bow Wing. If I happen to catch a group of these Herons fishing the shoot is pretty easy. Its more about where to set up for the best lighting and setting up the cameras autofocus system to best match the conditions.
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05/31/19 4:14 AM GMT
Thanks for the commenting on See Through Wing. I was kind of surprised to see this Pelican right above me and even more surprised that the picture turned out.
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05/31/19 4:19 AM GMT
Thanks for taking the time to comment on Close Fly By. I think we are supposed to get a nice day tomorrow so I�m planning a photo outing and it will include a trip to the river.
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05/31/19 6:22 PM GMT
I really appreciate your saving Stalkers Vicki.
It is very kind of you.
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People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
06/08/19 5:52 PM GMT
Both of the butterfly shots I posted were done with a Pentax K1 camera with a Pentax 100mm macro lens and Pentax macro ring flash. Thanks for commenting
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06/13/19 4:20 AM GMT
Thanks Vicki for the comments on my Gull trilogy. Just another day at Saylorville Dam.
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06/16/19 4:39 AM GMT
Thanks for commenting on Arrow. My favorite spot for shooting the Des Moines River is high on the bank looking down on the water using a large telephoto lens.
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06/17/19 3:28 AM GMT
Thanks for the comments on Honey Maker. The main advantage in using a telephoto for a macro is the greater working distance to the subject, handy for bees and skittish insects like dragon flies. The downside is it is a heavier setup to pack around.
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06/17/19 3:43 AM GMT
Thanks for the comments on A Touch Of Yellow. By using a fast shutter speed 1-640th and a small aperture F-10 the flash had enough power to light the flower but everything behind the flower became extremely under exposed or black.
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06/20/19 1:58 PM GMT
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on Community Pond. This shot from Jester Park was about all I captured on this relatively fruitless photo outing.
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06/24/19 1:05 PM GMT
I didn�t go up in this one but I did have the opportunity to get inside and checkout all the different crew positions. There are probably some pictures of the inside some ware on my hard drive. Thanks for looking.

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07/17/19 2:20 PM GMT
Thank you for the favourite on Love will find A way.
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Long before the white man and long before the wheel, when the dark green forests were too silent to be real. Lightfoot 1967
07/25/19 2:22 PM GMT
Thanks for the fav on Days remembered.
0∈ [?]
Long before the white man and long before the wheel, when the dark green forests were too silent to be real. Lightfoot 1967
08/04/19 8:40 AM GMT
Thank you for faving 'Harboured'...
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08/24/19 12:26 AM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "Ducks In A Row", Vicki. I appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
12/19/19 12:06 AM GMT
...Thank you for your feedback on Gothic Getas Too....It is most appreciated...
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"Put up...or SHUT UP!" Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
12/29/19 3:08 PM GMT
Thanks for the fave on Course Closed Vicki. Much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
01/14/20 10:46 AM GMT
thanx ... Ro
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let me keep my eyes open, let me see the beauty
02/03/20 1:39 AM GMT
Thank you for the fave of "A Love Letter", Vicki. I appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
02/04/20 8:38 PM GMT
Thanks for the nice comment and the fave of "Night Stalker", Vicki. I appreciate that.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
02/10/20 3:56 PM GMT
Thanks for the fave on Barnyard Vicki. I'm pleased you liked it.
0∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
02/19/20 5:29 PM GMT
Hi Vicki - Thanks for making "Walking Big Sky" one of your favorites! Glad you enjoy it! I'll give you some creds once they're renewed tomorrow ha ;-) They go too quickly!
0∈ [?]
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
02/24/20 5:03 PM GMT
Hi Vicki! Hope you�re having a nice Monday! Thanks for making Bluebird Twilight one of your favs! Glad you liked it! Cheers - Chris
0∈ [?]
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
02/28/20 1:22 AM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "From A Galaxy Far Far Away", Vicki. I appreciate it. Thanks for your nice comments.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
02/29/20 6:32 PM GMT
Thanks so much Vicki for the fave and comments on Golden Fisherman.
0∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
03/01/20 4:21 PM GMT
Hi Vicki! Thanks for favoriting Shady Tree Hill! Love how the sharp angle of the landscape and the tree all came together to make it possible that day. Waterfront park in Louisville is one of my favorite places to shoot photography 👍
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“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
03/03/20 3:18 PM GMT
Thanks so much for the fave on Old Paint and the kind comments Vicki. Have a good week.
0∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
03/10/20 8:02 AM GMT
hi Vicki, thanx for faving Rethimno Harbour, it is a while since i have been there ... Ro
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let me keep my eyes open, let me see the beauty
03/11/20 1:38 AM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "There Is No Such Thing As A Seagull", Vicki. I appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
03/24/20 9:54 PM GMT
Hi Vicki, Thanks for favoriting Metal, Shadow, Concrete, Repeat! Glad you liked the composition! Love the work you're putting out as well! Keep it up! :)
0∈ [?]
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
04/04/20 4:18 AM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "Hello April", Vicki. I appreciate that. Please be careful and safe where you are. My prayers are for all of you.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
06/04/20 10:46 PM GMT
What a wonderful comment you left on The Tree And The Foot Bridge. And thank you for the fav, too. ~~ John
0∈ [?]
06/06/20 3:47 PM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "A Little Birdy Told Me So", Vicki. I appreciate that.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
06/10/20 8:46 AM GMT
----Thanks Cornelius for your very kind message and information for the photo taken at 8:30 pm... Not sure how to proceed, I was planning on entering this for the Trio's contest, but for some reason, can't find how to do this on the system ... has something changed? Do you know who I can contact about this? Thanks very much, appreciate your help---

Vicki, after your photo has been uploaded, you will have to wait for it to be approved by one of the Mods. You can see this in the leftmost column of the Caedes Main Page. If you click on the 'New Images' link and your photo appears in the gallery, it is approved.
Then click again on the leftmost column on the Caedes Main Page on 'Navigation/Contests'. A sub-window will then appear. In this sub-window you can select your photo as entry for the Trio's contest.

I wish you success and the best of luck with your contribution. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask. In this case it is best to send me a PM (Personal Message). You can do this, for example, by clicking on the 'Message' button in the top window of my personal page.

Best regards, Cornelius
0∈ [?]
Try to change what you think you can't accept, but accept what you can't change. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.
06/30/20 5:26 AM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "Gallop", Vicki. I appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
07/25/20 6:54 AM GMT
Dear Vicki, I just read about your big and tragic loss. I am deeply sorry, may she rest in peace. I know how painful it is, but we must go on and always have them in our memories.
0∈ [?]
09/08/20 5:54 PM GMT
Thanks so much for the comments and fave on Backyard Bambi Vicki. Much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
09/27/20 8:32 PM GMT
Thank you for making "Dock of Illusions" a favourite and for the comments you made.
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10/03/20 4:14 PM GMT
Thank you for your comments and making a favourite out of "Stamp River".
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10/03/20 4:39 PM GMT
Thank you for your enthusiastic comments and the favourite for "Calla Lily".
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10/06/20 4:37 PM GMT
Thank you for the "White on white" favourite, and for your comments, so much appreciated!
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10/07/20 12:05 AM GMT
Thank you for making "Zentangle Girl" a favorite, Vicki. I appreciate it and thanks for Your generous comment.
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When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
10/12/20 5:58 PM GMT
Thank you for your appreciation and fave for "Irridescence on the fly".
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10/12/20 6:04 PM GMT
Thank you for the screensave and fave for "Floral sun" I appreciate it.
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10/12/20 6:08 PM GMT
Thank you for your generous and detailed comments and for the fave on "Nature's yellow highlighter".
0∈ [?]
10/13/20 4:34 PM GMT
I appreciate your fave and comments on "Dainty diminutive duo", thank you!
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11/29/20 3:40 PM GMT
Thank you faving 'Julia'.
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If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine The Earth without art is just 'eh'.
12/06/20 7:23 PM GMT
Congratulations on your third place, Vicki. I think it could have been better. Well, next time...
0∈ [?]
12/20/20 2:54 AM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "Fa La La La", Vicki. I appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
12/21/20 11:13 AM GMT
Vicki, thank you for all the kind words on each of my six pictures that you recently commented on and the two you fav'd. Wow, what a wonderful day to wake up to such review. :) ~~ John
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12/25/20 11:22 PM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "Sending You A Homemade Christmas Card", Vicki. I appreciate it.
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When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
01/01/21 7:15 AM GMT
Congrats on your fourth place, Vicki.
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01/03/21 12:17 AM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "Have A Cow", Vicki. I appreciate it and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
01/07/21 2:57 PM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "Jolly Balloon Fish", Vicki. I does me good that someone enjoys my little artworks.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
03/11/21 9:57 PM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "Not All The Same", Vicki. I appreciate it.
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When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
04/17/21 11:42 AM GMT
Vicki, congrats on your first place. Well deserved.
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04/23/21 10:17 PM GMT
Vicki, Thanks for making Luminous Coincidence a fav!
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04/25/21 10:52 AM GMT
Vicki, You are very kind in all your comments. I feel like I found some wandering companions here on this website and enjoy sharing what we have found on our excursions!
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What they undertook came to pass all things hang like a drop of dew upon a blade of grass. Yeats
04/28/21 7:47 PM GMT
Thanks Vicki for making my Lily of the lake a fav!
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04/28/21 7:56 PM GMT
Sometimes wildflowers are more diminutive and harder to capture than domestics, so thank you Vicki for your comments on the Vanilla Leaf Garden. - and for making it a favourite.
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05/12/21 5:15 AM GMT
Congrats Vicki on fourth place.
0∈ [?]
05/13/21 1:50 PM GMT
Vicki, Thanks for adding...Secrets at your are always so kind in your comments....
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Gratitude to the Ancient Instructors "What they undertook came to pass. All things hang like a drop of dew upon a blade of grass." W.B. Yeats
06/30/21 3:36 PM GMT
Thank you Vicki for making Ghost in the Moss a favourite!
0∈ [?]
07/11/21 4:02 AM GMT
Thanks for the fave of "Sail", Vicki. I appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
07/20/21 4:49 PM GMT
Vicki - Thank you for the fave of 'Lys Jaune'. I appreciate it and your kind comments.
0∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine The Earth without art is just 'eh'.
08/07/21 4:54 PM GMT
Thanks for the fave of Life is Good, Vicki! I appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
08/16/21 12:55 AM GMT
Thank you for faving "Lily in a Dream". So pleased that you liked it.
0∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine The Earth without art is just 'eh'.
09/19/21 7:58 AM GMT
Thank you Vicki for your kind words on my latest images! I really miss my artistic days but that's a thing of the past. Take care!
0∈ [?]
11/16/21 1:41 PM GMT
Thank you for faving 'Frosties'. I appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine The Earth without art is just 'eh'.
01/10/22 4:24 PM GMT
Delighted that you favourit-ized my mini Iceberg, thank you.
0∈ [?]
05/05/22 2:58 AM GMT
Thanks for your favorite and nice comments.
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06/03/22 4:35 PM GMT
I appreciate your comments on "Ripples on the Shore", and thank you for making it a favorite.
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07/04/22 7:50 PM GMT
Thank you for making one of my favourite mushrooms, "Toothy Translucence", your favourite.
0∈ [?]
07/04/22 7:51 PM GMT
Thank you for making "Rain", my bad hair day pic, a favourite.
0∈ [?]
07/04/22 7:53 PM GMT
Thank you for making "Ice Art" a "big favourite".
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07/04/22 7:56 PM GMT
Thank you for your comments and the favourite on "Spider Engineering, MSc degree"
0∈ [?]
11/06/22 8:56 PM GMT
Thank you for making "fall fungus fest for friday" a favourite.
0∈ [?]
12/05/22 6:53 PM GMT
Thank you for making "Falls in the fall" a favourite.
0∈ [?]
02/10/23 9:59 AM GMT
Thank you Vicki, for making a favorite of my son's "On the Hunt" predator.

0∈ [?]
01/25/24 6:46 PM GMT
Thank you for the favorites, Much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
Feel Free To Check Out MyGallery
05/02/24 7:10 PM GMT
Thank you for the comment.

0∈ [?]
Feel Free To Check Out MyGallery
10/07/24 8:06 AM GMT
For those wishing to experience the vibrancy of Mahipalpur nightlife with a companion, Escort Service in Mahipalpur provides the perfect match. Embrace the adventure and create memories that will linger long after the evening ends.
0∈ [?]
10/08/24 7:28 PM GMT
thank you for the favorite...
0∈ [?]
11/02/24 3:19 AM GMT
Thank you for your appreciation and nice comments...
0∈ [?]
01/04/25 12:50 AM GMT
Thank you for the comment, Much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
Feel Free To Check Out MyGallery
01/18/25 11:24 AM GMT
My experience with Escorts in Agra was phenomenal. I was seeking high-class adult entertainment, and that's precisely what I received. The sexual chemistry was undeniable, and the erotic massage was out of this world. This Agra Escorts Service offers a truly enjoyable and sexy experience. Finding escorts near me in Agra was surprisingly easy, making the whole process discreet and convenient. The level of professionalism combined with the intense sexual pleasure made this a memorable encounter. Definitely planning on using Agra Call Girls again for future visits.
0∈ [?]
02/04/25 12:50 AM GMT
Thank you for the comment Vicki, Much appreciated.

0∈ [?]
Feel Free To Check Out MyGallery
03/20/25 7:45 PM GMT

Thanks for faving my Gig Foofies 134 photograph.
Very much appreciated!
Best regards, Cornelius
0∈ [?]
Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.
03/30/25 10:42 AM GMT

Thanks for faving my Antwerp Central Railway Station (B&W) photograph.
Very much appreciated!
Best regards, Cornelius
0∈ [?]
Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.

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