Hello Frank, many thanks for the kind comment on "The Croft". I appreciate it a lot. It is true that the place has an eerie atmosphere about it. I did not stay there very long :-).
thank you Frank for you kind comments & veiwing of "Night Has Fallen" not one of my best shot. i think the most interesting thing about it was the the RED. that was all poison ivy believe it or not.
Hi Frank I'm pleased you enjoyed the "Mighty Flash", & "Winter Warmer" enough to comment on them, & like you I too hope the "White Headed Duck" makes a comeback. As for my camera I haven't entirely given up despite trying various modes, but you'd have though with a "Carl Zeiss" lens the clarity would be superior to my previous camera.
Thanks Frank for taking time to comment on my picture Hummer Female 2. This one was shot through my front window as it came up to the feeder that is off camera. I pre focused the camera lens (Canon 100-400L) to the distance of the feeder and shot a burst of pictures every time the bird would come to the feeder hoping to get one in focus. I lucked out and got this one. The green background is actually the grass in my front yard.
Thanks Frank for the comments on my picture "Ring Tailed Chickadee" My camera setup for the bird blind was a 300mm lens with a 2x converter a bit much for such a big critter. Don't know what is with the icon thing.
Thanks Frank for commenting on my picture "Ducky Down" I used the Canon 100-400mm zoom lens with a Canon 1.4x converter mounted on a Canon 5D III for this picture.
Thanks Frank for the comments on my picture "Bird Blind Blues" I believe this bird to be an Indigo Bunting. The setup I used on this dreary day was a Canon 300mm 2.8 lens with a Canon 2.0x III extender giving me a very heavy 600mm setup that I attached to a monopod. Do to the lack of sunlight that day I set the Canon 5D III in aperture priority at an F-stop of 8.0 and an ISO of 3200. Even with an ISO of 3200 my shutter speed was only 320th of a second, less than half of what I would like it to be. On the bright side the birds didn't seem to mind the weather and the lighting was very even yielding several keepers besides this one.
Wow - You've made it. When I opened Caedes today there was your "Wavy Duck" featured on the first page. I just they loved that shot like I did. It is nice that they are featuring you Frank.
Thanks Frank for commenting on my picture "Gray" Wendell 's ID of the bird was spot on, it's a Gray Catbird shot at about 20 feet with a 560mm lens. Bob
Thanks Frank for the comments on " Midnight Yellow " The black background was a technique I learned in the early 80s using Pentax's first TTL flash units.
Thanks Frank for the comments on " Silky Blue " I'm still waiting for some outside photo opportunities to open up. The late spring and bad weather have pretty much kept me inside. Bob
Thank you for enjoying A Perfect October Day For A Hike what is really great around every bend is another amazing view. I have so many red rock canyon shots I could post one a day here for the next 10 years. I have been on Caedes since 2007 then I lost my password and had closed my old e-mail account that was on file with Caedes so I was locked out of the site for good. My handle back then was Marcaribe and my gallery is still on the site if you want to look at it...
My cruise only cost $199 no way would I ever spend $299 for a 4 hour tour. If it had been $29.99 I would have gone. thanks for stopping by and commenting on Nassau Pier and bringing the pole to my attention it shouldn't be there. Sorry I can't leave a cred I guess I am pretty low on the totem pole they only give me around 10 creds a day and I already used them up
Hey there Mister Madman, wat'cha know that I don't know Tell me some crazy stories, let me know who runs this show Glassy-eyed and laughing, he turns and walks away Tell me what made you that way
Progress equals a trashed planet since mankind is too busy altering it. BTW find the classic definition of Caedes here. Enjoy yourself today (o: because you don't know what tomorrow may bring.
Thanks for taking a look at my picture B17-G. My wife�s father was a copilot in a B17 in WW2 and was shot down on their 3rd mission. A few years ago we were contacted by a gentleman in the Netherlands saying that they had found his plane in the Zuiderzee and inquiring if any of the crew were still alive. My mother in law had me send him all the information she had on the incident and the crew.
I didn�t go up in this one but I did have the opportunity to get inside and checkout all the different crew positions. There are probably some pictures of the inside some ware on my hard drive. Thanks for looking.
Hi Frank! You're welcome. They're wonderful images and pieces of art. Its an easy way as well for me to continue following the discussion around them. Have a good one! ~ Chris
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
Frank thanks for your kind words about Alexander's creation ... I know how you feel, I still have our girls birthday cards that they made for me when they were little .. so many treasures in our lives.
Frank, appreciate your comment on Birds in the Sky, I am still very much an inexperienced photographer, I really only know how to use the auto button and have no idea about filters, too confusing for me at this age, ha ha, but appreciate your idea very much.
Frank, I totally understand your lovely comment about your love for your dog. It truly is a gift and a wonderful feeling to experience the joy we share.
Thanks a bunch for your kind comment on Capri .. I actually had to chop it at the bottom because there were some sailboats and stuff that detracted from the scene.
Hi Frank, appreciate your viewing and commenting on Naxos, it's great being able to see photos from all over the world ... and your original, artistic and very creative works of art!!!
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