I have many photos taken in West Africa that chronicle the hopelessness, despair, and brutality of life there. Horrific medical conditions, children sold or stolen then deliberately crippled who sit on skateboards at the go-slows and the airport and beg for coins, vigilante justice - the street beatings of thiefs and then their "ringed" bodies - that is corpses of those who were beaten nearly senseless, then had a tire placed around them, were doused in kerosene, and then lit on fire - while the cheering mob watches. Many others. These sorts of things happen daily throughout Africa. If you want a rat knawed burned corpse photo, I can post one.
I will post some of them soon. There are many full of tragedy and despair. Some are of the burned bodies, other of the disease and despair that permeates urban africa. Is it Ok to post such things on caedes site?