It's funny how a simple picture can effect you isn't it Katie? I was strolling in the swamp land and simply pointed my camera straight up into the bald sypress canopy. It really appealed to me. The thing to capturing is take plenty of pictures so that one or two shots turns out like you want. I took this at about three in the afternoon at a small aperture with about -1 Ev . It would have turned out better if I had a decent DSLR. Thanks for your nice comment on "STRETCH".
Photographers are artists, magicians. They capture beauty so that it will last forever, and they might change it, make it something it is not. Thanks to photoshop!
-My Gallery-
The virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer into an artist, but the impulse it gives him to keep on looking. - Brooks Anderson
Luis Filipe Azevedo**
Nikon D80 | Nikkor 18-135 mm | kenko MC skylight [1A] 67mm | Sigma EX Wide Multi-Coated Circular PL 67mm
Hama Star 61 Tripod**
Hama Kamerastativ Star 8 Mono
Hello Katarina ! Thank you for your nice comments on 2 of my images ! (Bratislava and Switzerland) I hope to see you back at my galleries later on. In fall i will start posting the rest of my holliday photo's, and post more of Slovakia. On my last holliday i was in D, CZ, A and your country. I just checked out your gallerie page, and hope you will post more of Bratislava since it is a beautifull city.
Hello Katarina ! thanks for your comment on one of my central station Antwerp postings. I did not have to wait for people to leave the hall, since it is still under renovation, some fences can be seen in the image still. most people come in from the side untill the renovation is completly done.
I am at the moment preparing desktops from the last hollidays, yesterday, i have made 4 desktops from Bratislava :-)
Hello Katarina, thanks so much for your kind words at the bridge at Eagleville. Actually, the color is not all that inappropriate. In keeping with early bridges in the area, as well as barns of this era, red was a very common color due to it being one of the least expensive paint pigments of the times.
Thanks Catarina for taking the time to look and comment on Fire! I really appreciate it. Must say that it was very dramatic but you're right that in movies the people then die. Thank fully we didn't... the worst that happened was that we got wet!
*** That's a great lighting you caught there! I love it. I always have trouble photographing in relatively narrow streets, but you surely don't. :) ***
Hoi Katarina !
Well to set your mind at ease, i do have that problem as well. We humans just adjust our eyes to the light situation, but a camera can't do that, and has to make a average via its light meter. If you overlight a image there is nothing you can do. So in such cases i just underlight the exposure. With the gamma button in my editor i can easaly lighten the part that is to dark. Then i save it as seperate images, and work both or sometimes 3 images into 1 image to get it all right. Resuming, it is not my camera, but the post editing of a image.
Glad you liked the image, more from Bratislava to come..
Hi again Katarina, thank you once more for stopping by and commenting on 'Emerald'. I am glad you like this one. I also like the colours and textures of this shot.
Hi Katarina. Thanks for the complements on UWantIt?2 . It is good to hear how an image impresses people. It gives me an idea of what I have done right or wrong and helps me improve.
Thanks again, I am glad you liked it.
"Democracy can only survive in a society where the people are motivated by love and respect for others, and a desire to reach out for something better."