
Homepage for .owldgirl


Real Name:
norma mcevoy
Creds [?]:
Newcastle upon tyne 
8 May 1944 (80 years) 
02/21/14 11:14 PM GMT01/12/18 9:47 PM GMT 

owldgirl's Journal (100 entries)

Come out ya blocked... Uploaded: 08/14/17 9:28 PM GMT

Image: Come out ya blocked...

Can you see the wee bird.he felt protected sat there an age aww...

Recent Works by owldgirl: (full gallery)

Me pretty! by owldgirl, photography->birds gallery Come out ya blocked... by owldgirl, photography->birds gallery A tiny dot by owldgirl, photography->insects/spiders gallery
Me pretty! Come out ya blocked... A tiny dot


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02/21/14 11:39 PM GMT
I had a user name Cambridge st and password ryehill but it would not acceptany uploads so I already have a gallery but have had to start again
0∈ [?]
02/28/14 9:45 PM GMT
Hello Norma, thanks for the nice comment on "All Alone". Did you send a PM to one of the mods about your old memebership?
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Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.
03/01/14 12:12 AM GMT
Yes I did but not heard or I am not doing things right,could not understand why was not uploading,never mind changed all now ,thank you ...
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03/03/14 9:22 PM GMT
Thanks Norma glad you like the "Ducky".
0∈ [?]
Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.
03/22/14 9:37 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on my picture "Ring Tailed Chickadee"
My camera setup for the bird blind was a 300mm lens with a 2x converter a bit much for such a big critter.

0∈ [?]
03/24/14 9:49 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on my picture "Pollen Finder"
Maybe looking at pictures of summer will help it get here faster.

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03/24/14 11:21 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on my picture "Bless This Nut"
I hope to get out to the park when the weather gets better.

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03/24/14 11:23 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for commenting on my picture "Ducky Down"
I used the Canon 100-400mm zoom lens with a Canon 1.4x converter mounted on a Canon 5D III for this picture.


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03/25/14 2:45 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for commenting on my picture "Two Tone Dragon"
Sneaking up on these skittish little guys using a 100mm macro wasn't working for me. My camera setup for insects, frogs, and other pond stuff is the use of long focal length lenses, typically 400-600mm.

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03/25/14 11:56 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for taking time to comment on my picture March Moon.
I was just trying out the new Tamron 150-600mm lens.

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03/25/14 11:57 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on my picture “Floating Kermit”
The ponds here in Iowa are starting to thaw and signs of life should return so let the pictures begin.

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03/25/14 11:01 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for commenting on "Road Kill Rabbit"
The focal length for this shot was 600mm and the camera was a Canon 7D


0∈ [?]
03/28/14 3:51 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for commenting on my picture "Miss Cardinal "
I hope to get out soon as more and more birds are returning after a long cold winter.

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03/30/14 12:13 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on my picture "Bird Blind Blues"
I believe this bird to be an Indigo Bunting. The setup I used on this dreary day was a Canon 300mm 2.8 lens with a Canon 2.0x III extender giving me a very heavy 600mm setup that I attached to a monopod. Do to the lack of sunlight that day I set the Canon 5D III in aperture priority at an F-stop of 8.0 and an ISO of 3200. Even with an ISO of 3200 my shutter speed was only 320th of a second, less than half of what I would like it to be. On the bright side the birds didn't seem to mind the weather and the lighting was very even yielding several keepers besides this one.

0∈ [?]
04/01/14 2:23 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on "Pink Pollen Lunch"
This one is from Reiman garden in Ames Iowa

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04/01/14 2:56 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for commenting on my picture "Dirty Paws"
This is one from my first outing of the spring and no boring camera data.
0∈ [?]
04/01/14 11:59 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on "Wet Foot"
These birds nest in the tall reeds around the pond so are a common site.

0∈ [?]
04/04/14 12:08 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on "Bubbles"
For the camera buffs out there that are inquiring about the equipment I use this shot was taken with one of my favorite lens setups. The Canon 300mm F4L with a Canon 1.4x extender. The longer the lens the greater the working distance from the subject. No scare and no smell.

0∈ [?]
04/08/14 2:41 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on my picture "Frog Eyes"
I'm not sure how I got so close because I can't sneak up on nothing.

0∈ [?]
04/08/14 2:54 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for the kind comment on "Mouth Full"
For this type of fast action photography I used the fast focusing Canon 7D with my fastest lens the Canon 400mm 5.6 L.
More camera stuff
0∈ [?]
04/21/14 8:49 AM GMT
Hi very interesting don't understand much of it go out take my pics a wee bit adjustment and HEY that's it wish Idid been off a couple weeks lost a very dear friend in Scotland so been up there trying to help family ...
0∈ [?]
04/24/14 10:56 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for the fave and the comments on Wilson , we appreciate it .
I love his ears !
0∈ [?]
Live Life ... like someone left the gate open .
04/26/14 4:17 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on my picture "Pelican Pair"
They migrate through twice a year coming and going.

0∈ [?]
04/26/14 4:24 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for commenting on "Feeding Time"
This was a flash shot using a 150mm macro lens.

0∈ [?]
04/29/14 2:18 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comment and the fave of Refill, I appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
Live Life ... like someone left the gate open .
05/03/14 6:16 PM GMT
Thanks for adding "Misty Pond" to your faves Norma!
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The thing that goes the farthest, towards making life worthwhile, it costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.
05/08/14 6:03 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for taking the time to comment on "Three's Company"
It's a simple pic but had some appeal to me.

0∈ [?]
05/08/14 6:16 PM GMT
Thanks again Norma for the comments on "Orchid Night"
I hope it's a good wallpaper for someone.

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05/11/14 12:28 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for commenting on "White Night"
It's one of many Orchids I photographed at the Des Moines Botanical Center.
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05/11/14 12:37 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for the kind comments on "White on Green"
A lucky Capture for sure.

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05/11/14 12:51 AM GMT
Thanks again Norma for the comments on " More White on Green "
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05/11/14 1:01 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on " Midnight Yellow "
The black background was a technique I learned in the early 80s using Pentax's first TTL flash units.
0∈ [?]
05/23/14 4:16 PM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comment and the fave of Lookin' Up To Jay , I appreciate it .

0∈ [?]
Live Life ... like someone left the gate open .
05/28/14 3:18 PM GMT
Just dropping by to let you know we are thinking of you. A Big Happy Belated Birthday yesterday, May 27, 2014. Hope you enjoyed your special day with family and dear friends. Sorry I missed my chance for some yummy cake, lol.
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05/29/14 1:05 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for commenting on my picture "Lonesome Dove" I have counted over 12 at one time in my back yard.
0∈ [?]
05/29/14 1:31 AM GMT
Thanks Norma for the comments on "Garden Wings" This is a fairly large butterfly about the size of a Monarch.

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