
Homepage for .raptorfalcon


Real Name:
Washington State 
1988 (37 years) 
11/14/02 6:48 PM GMT07/07/10 4:53 PM GMT 

Recent Works by raptorfalcon: (full gallery)

Snowflake by raptorfalcon, Abstract->Fractal gallery Organic Fractal by raptorfalcon, Abstract->Fractal gallery Chaos by raptorfalcon, Abstract->Fractal gallery
Snowflake Organic Fractal Chaos


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03/21/04 2:34 AM GMT
You have a call from the name game. Come on answer it.
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Clayton H. Bramlett
04/19/04 7:32 AM GMT
Dang, that is the coolest avatar I have ever seen (the one with all the caedes logos). Seriously cool man.
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- Loyal Caedes Fanatic
04/20/04 2:11 AM GMT
It was actually created from a bunch of biohazard symbols. I stumbled upon it when I was creating an avatar for a friend.
(But don't tell caedes)
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Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
05/25/06 8:08 AM GMT
I know what your saying with shades of autum, I must say that the only thing i still would have done differently would maybe not put a frame on it. I also may have faded the edges out a little, this would then draw the viewers eye to other areas other than the obvious frame round the edge, which I knew was a mistake as soon as I had locked that effect into the
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05/28/06 8:19 PM GMT
Matthew, thanks for stopping by and commenting on "Early Adopter". The title was intended to be a misuse of the phrase to mean a very young person adopting the technology.
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06/20/06 11:23 AM GMT
Hi Matthew, thanks for commenting on "Walking Bridge" - much appreciated.
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"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." ~Eudora Welty~
08/27/06 11:30 PM GMT
Thank you for looking at 'Koi'. I appreciate your taking the time to respond.
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09/12/06 8:28 PM GMT
Hi Matthew, Thanks for looking at 'Witchcraft Museum2',Your comments are appreciated...Tony.
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10/23/06 10:27 PM GMT
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I view Photoshop for minor photo editing the same way I view using dynamite for fishing. It's big, flashy, and explosive, and you still have to figure out how to get the fish out of the dang lake.
04/26/07 5:50 PM GMT
hey wassup :) I am just saying hi to ramdom people i dont knoe............... Kool i live in washington to
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07/02/09 3:43 AM GMT
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07/02/11 1:29 AM GMT
Have a Very Happy Birthday, July 2nd, Saturday . Enjoy your special day with lots of cake.
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