Thanks Russ for your nice words on "Nala". She does indeed want the photographing to be over. I have lots of pics of her just lying around, but a close up is a curiosity.
Your comment means a lot to me!
Hi Russ, thanks for your kind words on my "Greenish potato?".
I think you might be right about it being a puffball! For I have another shot of one and then it is completely exploded. I will post that one soon... hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow evening. ;-)
Have a nice day!
Thanks Russ for taking the time to look and comment on 'Safety of the forest'. Could you tell me with which program I could use the graduated neutral density (GND) filters you speak of?!
Your support is appreciated!
Hello Russ! I've been unable to spend the amount of time on caedes like I want too and I'm way behind on my comments. Although I haven't had the time to comment on your images lately, I have viewed, enjoyed and drawn inspiration from them. Your macro images are of a quality that I have yet to achieve. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward Weston
Aloha Russ and Thank you so much for your 10 in the VB, then commenting on 'stepping stones2 eyeDu' that is the Ultimate compliment for me and the first. I'm exited and happy that you like my display. ~~>-mDS
My High Falls Sunrise 2 image was taken downstream from the falls at High Fall, Ga. There is a crane fishing on the left bank. Thank you Russ for taking the time to view and comment on it.
Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward Weston
Thanks Russ for your nice comment on Moira. Happy to hear that you liked her! Well I do carry my cam with me a lot... but not that often. She must have liked the pot cause I had plenty of time to go and get my cam and take some pics... and then I had a hard time to get her out! Ain't she cute.... LOL
Thanks again
My Sandy Beach 2 image was taken on a very foggy and overcast day. I had to do some heavy photoshoping to get the detail that I wanted in this image. Thanks Russ for your support and comments on this photo.
Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward Weston
My Amish Sunset was taken near Bird-in-hand Pa. We were riding the back road photographing the Amish barns and buggies. One buggy of teenagers had rock music playing and one of them took my wifes photo with a cellphone as she photographed them. Thanks Russ for the kind comments.
Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward Weston
Thanks for the comment on "Diamond Valley Lake" and sorry about the slow reply. I was stuck on jury duty for a couple of weeks and doing my work at night. I'm finally catching up on my sleep and getting my life back to normal.
Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward Weston
You will be led to the knowledge of the internal things which are invisible to you, by the external things which you see before you. . . . Even so then, we can represent to ourselves in thought the Author of all that is, by contemplating and admiring the (visible) things which He has made, and ever brings into being.
- Hermes
Thank you so very much Russ for your kind and lovely comment on Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you and your loved ones!!
Thanks Russ for your lovely and funny comment on Fun at Christmas! Your making me blush with your comment you know...
Make up is one thing... but the feeling of chocolate on your skin is not something I would be able to hold on for to long... it feels kinda funny.
What an amazing gallery! I wouldn't be surprised to see any of your work in the perms. Terragen and Bryce? That's what it looks like most of the CG's are done with.
"But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness." - 2 Timothy 2:16 (KJV) <- ->
Timothy J. Warren | My homepage|My Forum|
My Gallery|
My DeviantArt Gallery| AIM: aviat4ion
Hello Russ! I've gotten way behind in my comments so please forgive this generic message. I'd like to thank you for your recent comments on images in my gallery. I'm trying to catch up on viewing the new image so please excuse me for not commenting on your recent uploads. I'll try to view them as soon as I can.
Thanks again,
Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward Weston
Thank you Russ for your lovely words on Goodbey! I really appreciate to hear from you at a time like this.
Some one ones told me that the sun still shines behind those clouds....we'll get through...
Hey Russ...thanks for your thoughts on "Weary Memory"...I thought that the shot had enough "substance" to stand up to a thicker framing and I'm glad you liked it!!
Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward Weston
I've been awfully busy the last few days and been in the Kruger Park the past weekend (for three days) therefor the delay in commenting on your last posts.. but believe me, I am checking them out, and enjoying them tremendously! Well done on them, and hope to catch up again soon..
Thank you a lot for the kind comment you've left on Bad mood Bull . Glad you liked him. We've had a nice weekend in the Kruger Park, but unfortunately didn't see lots of animals close enough for good pictures, but it was great fun and very relaxing. Hope you'll enjoy the rest of our posts too. Have a great afternoon.
Thanks Russ for your lovely comment on "Chess anyone". To be honest I just put some pieces on the board when I saw her sitting there and then she was looking so sweetly at the pieces... well for some time at least...
Have a good week
Thanx so much Russ for the comment on Colour Play .. i appreciate it that you've taken the time once again to stop by and leave a comment. Have a blessed weekend
Thank you very much Russ for your lovely comment on "My Rose Hips". With the title I was trying to put people on the wrong track and I think I succeeded in doing so.
About that plant... as far as I know it is a Rhododendron. Or does this japanese plant also bloom with such kind of flowers?
Thank you so very much Russ for your wonderful comment on "Merry Christmas". I wish you all the best for the new year too. That it may be a year filled with wonderful images from our Caedes friends.
Hi Russ,
Thanks for your comment on "Pine Needles". You are right about some of the strangeffects. I was experimenting with a filter called ReDynaMix that makes pseudo HDR effects plus I added a little Orton's. It's fun to play with these things although the picture doesn't always look very "natural" afterward.
Thanks Russ. Appreciate ya takin the time to look at Reflections! I gotta get back with Vue. I been hangin out in Terragen for awhile with my Dragon Series!
Hi Russ .Thank You for your comments on Plymouth Colony.I believe that the original Plymouth Plantation was right on the waterfront in Plymouth center and was recreated a few miles away on a hill with the water view...Tom
Thanks Russ for faving "Misty Morning" and for the comments on "the Boathouse". Much appreciated and glad you enjoyed the scenes. The real artistic credit belongs to Ma Nature; I merely stood in the right spot and pressed the shutter button. I tried one version of the boathouse mostly b/w with just a little bit of leaf colour showing, it didn't look too bad. Have a great week, ~Wendell
Think about the photo before and after, never during. The secret is to take your time. You mustn't go too fast. The subject must forget about you. Then, however, you must be very quick.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Russ, thank you for your comments on "Parked in the Kuiper Belt." Your mention of Sedna sent me to the internet to learn more about this "scattered" planet. I read with much interest about 90377 and thank you for that reference. And, indeed, Sedna is red! ~~ John
"Less is most often better (a lesson I consistently fail to learn)."
LOL, me too. :-) I tried puffing up the tree in later pictures (for Christmas) and I felt it lost something, so I never posted it. Thanks for the comment on Farewell Halloween. :-)
Russ - Thanks so much for faving 'Cadillac Mountain Sunrise reworked'. After standing on top of Cadillac Mountain, in thick, cold fog waiting for the sunrise, wondering if clouds would block it entirely, to have witnessed the fog roll back, revealing this most amazing scene was truly special. I am glad you liked it. Thad
Russ, fascinating. I find that I agree with you on both the movie and the novel "Dune." Many thanks for taking a look at "The Sand Worm" and leaving a comment. ~~ John
Hi Russ. Thank you for your very thoughtful and insightful comment on "The Dematerialization of all Things Material." I agree with you on the inpact math and the computer are having on art. To me, these programs are like brushes are to painters. Each offers a slight difference than the next, but are a wonderful tool in reaching a final piece. ~~ John
"From a biological point of view, these almost look like viruses to me. The baroque surfaces with numerous ornate protrusions is an uncanny match for a virus. If the complexity of your fractal arose out of a fairly simple equation, then is the assembly of those pathogens also governed by similar basic rules? Just wondering.
Here's a good example:"
Wow, yes, "Prickly" does appear to be a distant relative to a virus. I just wish it was not the one you found.
I also wish I could send you the params I used for this picture, but I do not record them. Yes, I know I should. I will use an established param and begin adjusting the formulas, ever so slightly, until I come up with something interesting.
I then go through a painful exercise of moving and turning it to find that one unique view which has been hidden, forever, from view by the human eye. lol.
Thank you, Russ, for taking time to send me the link and for your comments. ~~ John
Hi Russ, Thank you for stopping in to view Mount Saint Helens. It was sure an experience being there in person. I went in and checked out that website that you left...interesting works of art in there. Thank you for the kind comment. ~Kim
Rus, thanks for your comment on "In Sorrow's Trance."
All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his, real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.
Hello Russ, I took i trip into your gallery and I almost got lost among all the beautiful photos and creations you have. Some are really stunning. Great work! All the best //Jan
Long time no see! Thank you for the brilliant comments, especially the one on Hidden World. I didn't know if I was standing on my head or my heels! Anyway, my hair has now been left to grow back...
I had a look for the heater shield -- I see it in a different way now... all I could see before was the crow. But it could also be the shield, surrounded by structures and cannon balls? It would still connect with the abstract 'crow' image... there's a Crow in the poetry by Ted Hughes. A lot of the lines about him are quite brutal. War, malaria, sharks, everything bad. :-) Thanks again for your kind words -- I'm feeling much more encouraged!
Smile, without a reason why. Love, as if you were a child, Smile, no matter what they tell you Don't listen to a word they say Cause life is beautiful that way. (From the film "Life Is Beautiful")
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