
Welcome to Caedes, the Desktop Wallpaper and Artist Community

Caedes is a close community of artists, designers, and photographers who share their work through the medium of computer desktop wallpaper. Feel free to browse the galleries, comment on other's work, and even submit your own art when you're ready. Sign up for a free username to access all features.

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Links by camerahound silent moments... by fogz Mysterious by jacked
silent moments...
Aquarium by Popaj Another Golden World... by Nicky Indian Summer 2 by egggray
Another Golden World...
Indian Summer 2
Priory by jojomercury Maria 3 by Jhihmoac Family outing by Si
Maria 3
Family outing
Keota Church by Yenom Jardins d'Annevoie by michelfr The Male Cardinal #2... by tigger3
Keota Church
Jardins d'Annevoie
The Male Cardinal #2...
Lonely Tree (Clearer... by SamGerdt Color Burst by spyker7 Rialto by brasiu69
Lonely Tree (Clearer...
Color Burst
83 regular members - 206297 total images - 6 new images today

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