Thanks for the very nice comment on my Mixed Up and Totally Lost Ang. I'm thinking this is my personal favorite! It looks so cool as a wallpaper desktop! I'm glad to see you're commenting on the arts. People really like that!
Thanks again Ang for your comment on Reds All Around! I got some beauties coming in a few days. Wait til you see them! I started using my new apophysis program and its really great to work with.
Thanks for your comment on Fractured Fractal kiddo! What are you doing home now? Or are you at work all is going ok. We're fine here!
Hey kiddo..I just checked out your favorites, and I noticed you have quite a few of my friends' works in there! Look at Jimbobedsel work sometime. He has some great manipulations that are so funny and cool! Just thought I'd let you know honey!
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better" - Albert Einstein -
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Glad you like "Mary J" she's such an angel. I literally found her up a tree ~ I say she fell from heaven...anyway, I am not sure of her breed, but doing research on the web has lead me to believe that she is a longhaired tortoise shell cat. How did I get so lucky? ;)