"I wrote your name on a piece of paper but by accident I threw it away...
I wrote your name on my hand but it washed away...
I wrote your name in the
sand but the waves whisked it away....
I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay........."
"Mysterious" ... Ooh, I love Journey. Thank you for the compliment. To think that I could come up with something like that, made famous. Wow. That's a real compliment indeed. I appreciate you taking time to view my work and leave a comment. Have a great day! Sarah :)
Thanks for viewing my little manipulation that I did called Space Jewel. I was just trying out Nathan's tutorial and this was the result. Think of the light source on the jewel as coming from the camera position. It could be a spacecraft, UFO or the Earths glow. I'm glad that you liked this little project. This could be an alien egg coming to Earth.
I am sorry you don't appreciate "Warmth". I will see what I can do about making future images have more prevalent subjects. Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate the honesty and the advice.
Hi thanks for your comments on«...ComonG », very much apprtecoated.
This sculpture is a net, a big,big net, suspending with three big peaces of steel, like a medusa...it balances in the wind...it´s great !
Are you ready to go to heaven?
Ephesians 2: 8 & 9 says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Think about it... Why did Jesus have to die on the cross if all it took was good works to get to heaven?
Hi akbean, thanks for your nice comment on my 'December sunset' and thanks for telling about Alaskan Sun Dogs, never heard about that name before. I guess Alaska and Sweden is located at almost the same level on earth. We have northern lights here in northern Sweden , like Alaska also have. / HJ
Hi and thanks so much for the comment on nature walk bridge , Perhaps I can get a shot of it with snow. We'll see and spring should not be a problem. Thanks again. Sandi
I just wanted to drop by and say thanks for the comment on "Aurora Borealis." I have never seen the Northern Lights, but that was the first title that came to mind. I will keep your comment in mind when I do make a wallpaper that is supposed to resemble the Northern Lights. Thanks