Hey there, my thanks for your insightful comment on 'Awakening'. Yes, I do believe I took that picture last spring on a morning. Perhaps the flowers were just awakening like all of us! Best wishes. Ashley
-My Gallery-
The virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer into an artist, but the impulse it gives him to keep on looking. - Brooks Anderson
Thanks so much for the heartfelt message regarding “wish winter were here…”. I am glad that you appreciated the photo with the stately looking trees dressed in Mother Nature's best lace. I wanted fresh snow so much and I finally got it. We are having some heavy snowfalls for the last 36 hours… My neighbourhood looks exactly as at my photo at the moment…
Thanks for your thoughts on Embercross! It's nice to know my work isn't all THAT bad.
Actually, now that I think about it, the colors are pretty awesome. I didn't really get a chance to know it until after I uploaded it. :D
"To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It's at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy."
~ Henri Cartier-Bresson
-My Gallery-
The virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer into an artist, but the impulse it gives him to keep on looking. - Brooks Anderson
Thank you so much! Powerful is a good description of my Gull in a Gale photo! Fortuantely the wind has gone down now, so I should get out and about tomorrow, without leaning at a 45degree angle! Kate
Hello tklemz! Sorry it took so long to respond to your comment on my Green Natural Fractal image. This is an old image reloaded at the request of Samatar. Somehow it got deleted. Thanks for the nice remarks.
Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward Weston
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my picture “Glass”. The name of this butterfly is Glasswing. I used a Canon D60 with a Sigma 105mm macro equipped with a Canon ring flash.
Thank you so much for the wonderful words about "November Tears". I am really happy you like it :-) and you are right about the different ways peaople react. I am honored you like it so much you are taking it to your favs!
Thanks for commenting on "Grey Day" it is much appreciated. It was freezing cold and it was windy, although the wind was dropping, a few hours earlier it had been gusting at 70 mph which is pretty strong for England.
Live simply. Speak kindly. Care deeply. Love generously.also, let's not forget-What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters as compared to what lies within us...=D
For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, His eternal power and Godhead;... Rom 1:20
Hi there..thank you so much for your comment on my Jungle posting. I really love playing around with the special effects in my Paint Shop Pro program and my Photoshop one too. I finally got brave enough to really try...and I am sure i'll be posting some more, because it's so relaxing..thanx again..verena
45 Records Those Were The Days thanks you for your comments my hubby loves Elvis and never can he get enough of him lol
Take care and god bless you'
Pictures say a thousand words but the artist taking the picture can say more. Take care and god bless you and yours each and every day'
tiptopwebsite.com - TexasChipee
For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, His eternal power and Godhead;... Rom 1:20
Thank you so much for your positive comment regarding "self".
Actually the only things real in that pic are my eyes & eyebrows...I didn't do anything to them :)
Thanks again.
Thanks for the fave on my photo "Just Heavenly". Aren't they just fun creatures to watch when you have the chance! Thank goodness this was at the zoo and not in my backyard! <grins>
People aren't going to remember the things you do. They're going to remember how you made people feel. Be kind, gracious, and appreciative.
Dan Winters - Photographer.
The reason why the sun sets in the evening is because it wants to see the sunrise in the morning. I rise in the morning because I want to see them both. RvdB
My thanks to all who leave comments for my work and to those of you who like one enough to make it a favourite. To touch just one person that way makes each image worthwhile. . . . . . . . . .. . . . "The question is not what you look at, but what you see" ~ Marcel Proust
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